Americas International Capital LLC
Americas International Capital LLC

Bruce Brandt, Managing Partner
Bruce Brandt, Managing Partner
Founding partner of AICC, has more than 30 years of experience in debt and equity arrangement. Specifically for project finance, asset securitization,
energy and corporate finance. Mr. Brandt’s experience in advising parties sitting on all sides of the table provides the expertise offering his clients a competitive advantage during project structuring and financing negotiations. His focus is to understand each party’s requirements in the context of the overall risk allocation and jointly develop risk mitigation options.
Prior to establishing AICC, he was Senior Vice President and Manager of the Financial Products Group at Garvin GuyButler. NY where he specialized in arranging various types of credit enhancement for​ bond issues and private placements. Prior to this, Mr. Brandt was Executive Vice President of Berisford Financial Group and Managing Director of Babcock & Brown Money Markets where he ran the West Coast/Asia trading desk.
The majority of the transactions he is involved in, he is engaged by the developer or sponsor team, structuring the overall financing package to fit the unique requirements of the project and its host country inclusive of: revenue stream for recapturing investment and the potential bank, institutional investor, multilateral or export credit financing potentially attracted to the transaction. In addition, he works on behalf of the construction / concession company with the responsibility for bringing equity investors (both strategic and financial) to their projects.

José Luis Romero Hicks, Partner
Jose Luis Romero Hicks, former Secretary of Finance of the State of Guanajuato. Was Commercial Attaché to the Mexican Embassies to India and Japan. Former Board Member of PEMEX. Former CEO of BANCOMEXT, the Mexican Eximbank
He was decorated by Spain and Brazil. He has been recognized by various publications as one of top 100 CEOs and one of the 300 most influential leaders in Mexico.
Mr. Romero Hicks is currently AICC's legal counsel. Given the cross-border nature of AICC practice, his responsibilities include reviewing the documentation drawn up by attorneys located in the other jurisdictions applicable to the transaction.
He is also managing partner of the legal firm Romero Hicks & Galindo, member of the Mexican Council of Foreign Relations and of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics and is a regular radio and television commentator.
Mr. Romero Hicks is the author of two books: "La Cantera de Guanajuato at the Iturbide Theater", a book by the congressmen of the state of Guanajuato who participated in the drafting of the Constitution of Mexico, and "Against the Darkness", a collection of essays on corruption.

Bruno Ferrari-Wolfenson, Partner
Bruno Ferrari-Wolfenson, Partner
Bruno is an Italian citizen with a BA degree and postgraduate studies in International Finance at the Japan Center for International Finance in Tokyo. He was Representative of the BCBA bank in Los Angeles, Milan, Madrid and Sao Paulo.
He served as a member of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in the investment promotion centers of Milan, Vienna, Paris and Zurich. During his banking career, Mr. Ferrari-Wolfenson advised the National Bank of Albania in its conversion to market economy standards and was a member of the Board of Cross Finanz Bank in Cameroon.
Later, he worked for the joint World Bank-Ministry of Economy of Argentina program, where he was Chief of Staff of the Privatization and Foreign Investments Unit and Director of the Capital Market Development unit.
Subsequently he assumed CEO of Banco BICE, Argentine Bank of Foreign Trade and Investments, being at the same time Regional Director of the Global Multisectorial Program jointly financed by the IDB and Japan Eximbank. Mr. Ferrari-Wolfenson was Chairman of the Board of the NBCh Mercosur regional bank.
Mr. Ferrari-Wolfenson is currently a partner at AICC and CEO of Cross Finanz, a European Investment Bank company primarily active in mergers and acquisitions, project finance, and international strategic alliances. He was decorated by Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid for his international services on behalf of Mexico.

Roberto Kuri, Partner
Roberto Kuri, Partner
Partner and representative for AICC in México, 25 years of experience in project development and project feasibility analysis. He Has been engaged mainly in the technical, environmental and commercial aspects of the project viability development.
Prior to AICC, hIs background includes Director General, as well as Projects and Engineering Director in various companies such as Grupo Condumex, Grupo Cuervo, and other medium size companies. He was Director General for the entire engineering, development and construction of a major Petrochemical Complex in Altamira Tamaulipas for Grupo Condumex. With AICC he has been involved in passenger rail and Municipal Solid Waste Projects. Mr Kuri is a licensed engineer and more recently specializes in finance and economy. He achieved his degree in Enterprise Management with IPADE and IESDE.

Christian Kuri, Partner
Christian Kuri, Partner
Chris is an expert in negotiations, resource management and strategic planning. His experience includes more than 15 years in project feasibility analysis particularly in the area of financial and technical viability identification including project risks, risk management, cost analysis and project security. Prior to AICC he was Internal Auditor for Volkswagen AG in their Plant in Puebla, Mexico. Mr. Kuri is a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer and was member of The Institute of Internal Auditors. He obtained a Diploma on Business Management with IPADE and has an extensive training in the audit area and efficient use of resources.